Tuesday, July 28, 2009

my ghosts are walking

A little over a year ago I lost my job. I had been with this employer for 11 years and hated every minute of it. I was so relieved to be out of that hell I was working in and was looking forward to starting over again. I finally had a chance to create a whole new life for myself.

Well, here I sit with no job, no hope of finding a job, and having nightmares of being back at the place that held me captive both mentally and spiritually. How do I rid myself of the ghosts that haunt me in my sleep?

I wanted to start a blog this time last year, but just never got around to it. I wonder if anyone else out there in the umemployment world is having the same problems I am with getting closure on a previous employer and can't find a new place to work?

I had such hope, and now I feel as though there is no hope.


  1. You should blog regularly, and then you should sign up for Google AdSense (puts Google ads on your blog). You might make a little side money that way.

  2. Oh, I forgot to add, you should get hold of a book by Dan Miller called "48 Days to the Work You Love".

    This is his blog, you can get some idea of what he does here.

  3. Don't lose hope. I was laid off for almost a year. We almost lost our home and my car. We pulled through and God was faithful. Keep blogging and you will connect with other people. My blog is www.mynuggetsoftruth.blogspot.com. Maybe it will give you some hope!

  4. You can rise up - no one but you holds the key. Read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged - be a producer!

  5. Cookie, you and I are in the same boat, same mood fluctuations. Talk to @CrimeWitch on Twitter.
